Live Captions to Fully Understand Your Meetings

95% accurate, privacy-protected, AI-powered live captions in 90+ languages

Video conference between two people showing ai powered live captions in English and Chinese

Get live captions in just 3 steps

1. Download & install the app

Available for Windows & macOS.

2. Create an account

You will get 10 minutes of FREE AI-powered Live Captions 🎉

3. Select language & click START ▶️

Make sure to select 'Computer Sound' to generate Live Captions from anything you play on your laptop.

Compatible with any platform

Videos & Audios

Get AI-powered Live Captions on top of any video or audio file you play on your laptop

Live Streams

Get AI Live Captions on top of any live stream. Compatible with any website such as YouTube, Netflix, and beyond!

Webinars & Video Conferences

Get AI Live Captions on top of any webinar or video conference platform such as Zoom , Teams and beyond!

Events & Conferences

Show multilingual AI Live Captions on any screen during any international event or conference

Logos of Whatsapp, Skype and WeChat, as example of video call platforms where you can use the AI live captions of Akkadu
Logos of the video conference platforms Zoom, Teams and Webex
Logos of the virtual platforms Google Meet, Line and VooV Meeting, where you can use the AI live captions of Akkadu

Access the world's most spoken languages

We support over 90 languages:

Flags from multiple countries showing Akkadu live captions support more than 90 languages

Pay only for what you use

Buy the hours you need. Your balance never expires!

1 Hour

  • 90+ available languages
  • Record transcripts for each language
  • Show up to 2 languages at the same time
$5 USD
$5 / hour
Created with Sketch. alipay

Thousands are using Akkadu

Check out real cases using our AI-powered Live Captions

Frequently Asked Questions

AI-powered live captions are real-time text, typically displayed at the bottom of the screen, synchronized with the audio or video being presented. The process involves transcribing the spoken content into text, which is then translated into different languages; enabling individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as non-native speakers, to follow along and fully understand the content.