Wheezeless Product Information What is Wheezeless? Wheezeless is an asthma management platform that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor and manage asthma in children. It connects with asthma detection devices and analyzes the data to provide real-time updates on a child’s breathing patterns. The platform can also monitor environmental factors that may trigger asthma attacks and provide recommendations to improve air quality. How to use Wheezeless? To use Wheezeless, follow these simple steps:1. Register with your email address.2. Answer a set of simple questions about your child’s medical history.3. Connect the breath test device and environmental detector device to the application.4. The application will analyze the data using AI and provide various features such as asthma detection, environmental monitoring, risk assessment, caregiver tools, and data analytics.5. Families can also send their child’s physician the collected data for further review and consultation. Wheezeless’s Core Features Asthma detection Environmental monitoring Risk assessment Caregiver tools Data analytics Wheezeless’s Use Cases #1 Continuous monitoring of a child’s asthma symptoms#2 Early detection of potential asthma attacks#3 Notification of caregivers and parents in real-time#4 Monitoring of environmental factors that may trigger asthma#5 Personalized assessment of a child’s asthma risk#6 Tools for medication reminders and symptom tracking#7 Comprehensive data analysis for insights and recommendations FAQ from Wheezeless What is Wheezeless? How does Wheezeless work? Is Wheezeless safe to use? What devices are compatible with Wheezeless? Wheezeless Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc. Here is the Wheezeless support email for customer service: [email protected] . More Contact, visit the contact us page(https://wheezeless.com/contacts/) Wheezeless Company More about Wheezeless, Please visit the about us page(https://wheezeless.com/about-us/). Wheezeless Facebook Wheezeless Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/wheezeless/Wheezeless Linkedin Wheezeless Linkedin Link: https://ir.linkedin.com/company/wheezelessWheezeless Twitter Wheezeless Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/wheezelessWheezeless Instagram Wheezeless Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/wheezeless/

Wheezeless is an asthma management platform that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor and manage asthma in children. It connects with asthma detection devices and analyzes the data to provide real-time updates on a child\'s breathing patterns. The platform can also monitor environmental factors that may trigger asthma attacks and provide recommendations to improve air quality.